ARCHERY1.ZIP 83,355 05-26-93 Database for archery clubs to keep track ofscores for their club members and forcompetition shoots.
ARROW1.ZIP 44,887 01-13-93 Calculates Kinetic Energy And Bow Efficiency.
ARROWS.ZIP 57,000 04-09-91 Information & Tables For Archery Enthusiasts
ARTR20.ZIP 322,718 05-31-94 ARROW TRACKER Ver 2.0 <ASP> - A menu drivenprogram designed for OA Chapter use whichstores member info, dues status, committeeassignments, honors, and participation. Pro-duces labels and multiple rosters, individual
BAL410.ZIP 191,316 10-15-92 BALLISTIC v4.10 -W. R. Frenchu'scomprehensive smallarms ballistics programfor PCs and compats. Compute 30+ exteriorballistic functions (several displayablegraphically) using any of 5 different drag
BALLIS.ZIP 119,120 04-19-93 BALLISTX II - Fair external ballistics forPC. handles all your bullet ballistic infofor you. simplifies calculations
BIRD10.ZIP 803,209 10-01-94 NORTH AMERICAN WILD BIRDS v1.0 - Completebird reference and identification guide. Hasdata on 657 bird species, color images andbird songs. Will list birds for every stateand province in N. America. Can search by
BOSTA.ZIP 6,047 03-03-92 Calculate The Speed of A Boat Sailing ADifferent Angle Against The Wind it Will HelpYou Make The Best Angle When Sailing.
CHART12.ZIP 51,345 09-11-93 CHARTFINDER makes it easier to quicklyidentify the proper nautical chart from yourchart inventory. It has a find feature justenter the lat/long of the geographic area youare interested in, and names of charts
DCLWIN.ZIP 9,630 01-11-94 Shows how many people have been killed byfirearms since January 1, 1994, and how manytimes guns have been used in self defensesince January 1, 1994. Includes versions forDOS and WINDOWS. Windows versions require
DDFP1GNJ.ZIP 105,994 03-19-91 Doctor Dans Fishin' Predictor, PA,NY,NJ,DE
DD_2H_CA.ZIP 184,475 12-13-91 Dr. Dans Fish and Game Predictions forCalifornia, predicts the best times forfishing and other gaming activities, hasbuilt in database of all cities and townshipsfor the state of California
DEEREXPT.ZIP 170,313 06-07-94 THE DEER EXPERT V4.2 <ASP> - A program whichcontains Hunting patterns and techniques aswell as a hunting log system. OUTDOOR LIFErecommends the program in Dec. 89 issue. Youinput conditions you hunt under and program
FBASE29.ZIP 125,240 10-01-92 Version 2.9 of Dick Olsen's FishBase fishingdata base/log book program. Generates lots ofstatistics about the fish you catch. Powerfulsearch and sort capabilities. Fast, easy formRequires 256k, Color or Mono.* ASP*
FBSW12.ZIP 232,407 01-23-92 FISHBYTE v1.2: integrated Fishing and Loranlog pgm specifically designed for the saltwater angler
FIREARMS.ZIP 48,864 12-17-93 PERSONAL GUN CONTROL PROGRAM - allows user tocreate their ouw file names as data files,and access these file to edit, append, or toprint reports on personal guns. Ideal for thecollector or hunter.
FIRETPL.ZIP 6,503 06-01-92 Firearm template for the Wizard multi-mediadatabase.
FISH1.ZIP 46,055 05-18-94 The Surf Fisherman's Guide is a completereference for the novice and experiencedanglers fishing the Atlantic coastal waters.This program keys on water temperature whichtriggers feeding activity in fish. A complete
FISHB27.ZIP 114,026 01-14-92 Fish Base II v2.7. Fisherman's database.
FISHBASE.ZIP 70,521 01-24-90 Keep Track Of Lakes, Streams & Fish Caught
FISHEX32.ZIP 156,739 12-31-93 THE FISH EXPERT v3.2; Program which containsfishing patterns and techniques as well as afishing log system. OUTDOOR LIFE recommendsthe program in March 91 issue. You inputconditions you fish under and program gives
FISHLIST.ZIP 12,559 10-23-93 A file listing the scientific and commonnames of numerous marine fish, as posted onrec.sci.aquaria. Two subfiles, one in DOStext and one in Wordperfect 5.1 format.
FISHLOG3.ZIP 173,329 12-07-92 Dl-fishlog 3.0 Is A Menu-driven DatabaseManager Designed For The Sport Fisherman,Both Salt And Fresh Water. Store All DetailsOf Your Fishing Trips: Over 20 Parameters EtcRequires 100% IBM Compat, Dos, 512k,
FISHNLOG.ZIP 515,357 04-21-95 FISHING LOG V1.0 - April 17, 1995 FISHING LOGis a MS-Windows shareware fishin that allowsfor easy entry, storage, organiza analysis offishing data. A graphical, easy t yetpowerful package that is designed to help
FISHTI11.ZIP 67,611 04-05-92 Fish Time ver 1.1: calcs best time to huntand fish for any geogr location in US basedon phase and position of the moon for any dayof year.
FISHTIM2.ZIP 215,946 03-14-95 SPORTSMAN TABLES - from Solunar Services,Inc. Best fishing, hunting and birding timesfor any state and more! Sunrise, sunset, moontimes and phases. Over 400 fishing-huntingtips. This is a must for the seriousoutput.
FISHTIME.ZIP 67,611 04-05-92 This Tells You When to Go Fishing, With the B
FISH_V11.ZIP 55,278 11-08-94 The Joy of Fishing, version 1.1 (November,1994). A Windows-based program for thefisherman featuring Lake and RV Campgroundinformation, ratings of selected fishinglakes east of the Mississippi, and a database
FORK16.ZIP 147,364 08-08-92 Keep Track of Your Guns, Before the Governmen
FSHTME24.ZIP 61,431 10-28-94 FISHTIME.EXE v2.4 <ASP><ASAD>- A program topredict the most favorable times to hunt andfish based on the position and phase of themoon as well as the time of day for any loca-is an on-screen probability graph for 24
GUNCHK11.ZIP 127,339 07-18-94 GUN CHECK v1.10 Storage/Retrieval databasefor a firearms collector. Taylored forCanadian Regulations with pop up warnings forexpiring FAC's or carry permits. Databasesize is limited to hard drive size or machine
GUNINV.ZIP 138,394 08-24-91 Gun Owners And Collectors Database
GUNS6.ZIP 324,533 03-01-95 Organize Your Gun Collection -v6.10 Organizesalltypes of gun collections for both casualand licensed collectors You can inventoryeach gun using up to 21 criteria. Fast!Easy-to-use; full mouse/menu support. Just
GUN_DATA.ZIP 28,307 05-04-93 All The Information You Will Need to PurchaseYour Next (Or First) Gun. This File ContainsAll Makes And Models For Current Year as Wellas A Primer on Gun Safes.
LOADS111.ZIP 139,735 09-26-92 Track Favorite Loads For Various Guns
LOADSYS.ZIP 214,149 12-13-90 Bullet Reloader Database With Many Features
LORAN13.ZIP 2,218 02-06-93 Loran Log Sheets for Mariners & Fisherfold,Allowing Record Keeping of Loran Tds,Lat/Long Coordinates, Buoy Numbers, Etc. Thisis the ASCII Version of Loranlog.
LORN50.ZIP 140,146 04-16-90 Loran Program For Boaters - Good!
MARNAV24.ZIP 64,647 10-28-94 MARNAV.EXE V2.4 <ASP><ASAD>- A program toconvert LAT/LON (GPS) to LORAN delays andvice versa. The program also calculates head-ing and distance from point A to point B withthe locations specified in either GPS or
PHYCALC.ZIP 80,318 04-25-92 Projectile calculation program with Pascalsource.
QBALLITE.ZIP 57,430 11-01-93 QBALL LITE EXTERIOR BALLISTICS 1.0 [ASP]- Geta taste of computerized ballistics. Findremaining velocity & energy, trajectory data,time of flight, wind deflection, & zero datafor small arms. On disk manual.
RECOIL.ZIP 55,066 08-18-93 Windows Program is intented to show howvarying gun weights, bullet weights, andvelocities affect free recoil.
RELOAD22.ZIP 179,654 07-16-94 Re-Loader GOLD v2.2a Re-Loading/Ballistics Acomplete Re-Loaders database system forrecording cartridge re-load data for highpowered rifle enthusiast. Allows multipledatabases, target printing, and a ballistic
SCORSTAT.ZIP 161,805 10-25-93 ScorStat provides rifle target shooters withadvanced statistical analysis of theirtargets. Requires 386 w/2MB of EMS; VGA;mouse; and LaserJet, Epson dot-matrix, orHPGL compatible output device. Demo package
SVSUPPLY.ZIP 11,389 10-19-93 A list of suppliers; guns, ammo, survivalequip, food and information..
_TC_TIPS.ZIP 10,055 12-18-93 SHOOTING TIPS! From TARGET CENTRAL GUN OWNERS!! Improve :: your shooting accuracy__ at therange or in the field with these simpleshooting tips. Great for rifle, pistol andshotgun owners. Also included is info on high